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Our Middle School educators are specialists in their content areas and advocate for every student to ensure success. Departmentalized instruction, student accountability and project-based group work are all part of a learning process which fosters confidence and self-assurance.
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Middle school mathematicians move through transitional math to pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. Science highlights include a fascinating investigation of forensics and an annual trip tot he Concordia University Science Olympics. Writers’ Workshops and novel-based reading units highlight the integration of reading and writing for lovers of great literature. Social studies includes the study of field trips including three days in the woods at Walcamp, a visit to Springfield and a trip to Washington, DC provide opportunities to apply their learning in practical ways.
The end result of our Middle School Program is responsible students who are able to organize and interpret information, make difficult and important decisions and confidently continue their learning process in Chicago’s premier high schools.
At the middle school level, English Language Arts integrates literature and writing. Students are guided to read, write and think in a critical and creative manner. In literature, novel based units and informational reading strategies are focused on developing critical thinking and text analysis. Students are exposed to classic and modern literature in a variety of genres.
Middle School English Language Arts also emphasizes interdisciplinary writing, incorporating the Six Traits of Writing, to build students’ abilities to effectively articulate ideas.
The science curriculum is designed around the belief that God created the universe. Through inquiry, technology, process application and practice, students will discover the natural laws by which God preserves His creations. Students understand and use the scientific method to conduct experiments, which results in well-written lab reports. They also gain historical knowledge of scientists and scientific discoveries. Middle school science covers biology, chemistry, physics and earth space science.
Mathematics at the middle school level is an extension of our elementary program with its emphasis on problem solving skills and strategies. Instruction is increasingly differentiated, both to address individual needs and to better prepare students for advanced placement in high school algebra and geometry. Key topics include computation with fractions-decimals-percents, ratios + proportions, perimeter-area-volume, pre-algebra, algebra and geometry. From hands-on activities to everyday problem-solving situations, students learn to employ their math skills as tools for real-world learning in the 21st century.
The fifth and sixth grade classes construct God’s story through Jesus Christ in the perspective of their stewardship to care for God’s things.
The seventh and eighth grade class explores the Christian faith and our unique worldview through four seminars discussing a survey of the Bible’s big picture, a comparison of other religions and world views, and an exploration of current events to apply their learning toward critical thinking about their world.
In middle school, students progress from examining neighborhoods, communities and states to an in-depth study of our country, world geography and cultures. Basic skills are refined (map and globe reading, timelines, etc.) as students begin to better understand U.S. history and our place as global citizens. The study of current events and government are key components in making social studies a fresh and vibrant course. Middle School highlights include overnight trips to Springfield and Washington, D.C.
Students explore the elements of music in greater depth and refine their ability to recognize and analyze a variety of musical forms. Students also continue their study of music history and relate its development to historical and cultural events. Student opportunities for the development of performance skills include a band program, Honors Choir and the annual operetta.
Students refine their artistic skills through the continued study of the elements of art. They also develop a greater understanding and appreciation of art as master artists and their works are related to historical and cultural developments. As a result, students recognize art as a form of self-expression and gain confidence in exercising their own creativity.
Students are engaged on a daily basis in exercise and team-building activities. In addition, they continue to examine the elements of a healthy life-style through their study of nutrition, hygiene, safety, sociology, and psychology. Students are prepared for making healthy and God-pleasing decisions as adolescents and future adults.
2101 N Fremont St.
Chicago, IL 60614
(773) 525-4990